Cloud-9 is a family owned business and we are passionate about the benefits that are provided through Float, PEMF (Pulse Electric Magnetic Field), and Infrared Sauna Therapy. Unlike modern medicine, rather than rely on dangerous surgery or an assortment of drugs, we use our non-invasive and harmless therapies. So not only do we alleviate symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and depression-but we target the source by removing stress and toxins from the body. Think of a visit to Cloud-9 as a tune up for your body and mind. These therapies simply ensure that your cells are working at optimal levels so that the body can heal on it's own naturally.

We are committed to providing you relief that matches your needs-all while providing you the best possible experience. Our goal is for you to feel great and to stay healthy, because we believe when your health is in good standing that you can better focus on what's important in your life. Most of you have people that depend on you and this makes your health a priority. With the therapies we provide we not only help you to be at your best for the ones you love, but to be at your best for a world in need.

Explore our site to learn more about these great therapies :)


162 South Street, Jamaica Plain, 02130

PARking: We have 2 spots in the back of the building but there is mostly Street parking on south st. and rosemary St.